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New Mexico Land Contract Template

A New Mexico land contract documents terms in a real estate transaction conveying ownership of vacant land. It contains the terms of the sale, including the agreed-upon purchase price, a legal description of the property, the parties involved, and any added financial contingencies they wish to include.
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Supplemental Information

  • Estimated Property Tax Levy Disclosure – Sellers must have a county assessor estimate the property tax levy with respect to the property and provide a copy of the assessor’s response to the purchaser or broker. A local county assessor must sign this form.[1]
  • Seller’s Property Disclosure Statement – The seller is not required by law to provide the buyer with information regarding any material defects that may exist on the premises. However, some sellers may opt to do so by utilizing this disclosure statement.
  • County Subdivisions Disclosure – Prior to selling any land in a subdivision, the subdivider must disclose information as the board of county commissioners requires in order to permit the buyer to make an informed decision regarding the purchase. Disclosure statements of subdivisions with no less than five (5) and not more than one hundred (100) parcels shall contain information dictated under § 47-6-17.[2]
  • Where to Record? – Deeds must be recorded at the County Clerk’s Office in the jurisdiction where the property is situated.[3]
