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Minnesota Non-Solicitation Agreement

A Minnesota non-solicitation agreement is a contract between an employer and employee that can be part of an employment agreement or severance agreement or function as a stand-alone document. The agreement usually restricts the employee from soliciting clients or employees of the employer after they leave the company.
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Is It Legally Enforceable in Minnesota? 

Yes — but only if the agreement can be clearly proven necessary to protect business interests. The time limit, geographic area, and nature of the restrictions must be reasonable enough to not overburden an employee’s right to find new employment.

(Bennett, supra, 134 N.W.2d 892, 899-900)

Types of Solicitation to Prohibit

If the terms of the non-solicit agreement are within reason, an employer can prohibit a former employee from associating with their:

  • Clients and customers
  • Employees
  • Independent contractors
  • Other business associates

What to Include

What should you include in a non-solicitation agreement.

A non-solicitation covenant typically includes restrictions regarding the following:

1. Time Restraint

While Minnesota laws do not establish a maximum duration allowed for restrictive covenants, it must fall within reason and be proven necessary to protect the employer’s business interests.

2. Geographical Restraint

The agreement must specify where the individual is prohibited from engaging in the listed acts of solicitation.

3. Specific Action

The employer must define the scope of “solicitation” and whom the individual is prohibited from associating with as part of the agreement.

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