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New Hampshire Residential Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

A New Hampshire purchase agreement is a legal document between a buyer and seller for the sale and transfer of real property. The agreement is drafted by the buyer acting as an offer detailing the terms of the purchase. This includes the sales price, due diligence period, financing contingencies, and when the buyer is required...

New Hampshire Commercial Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

A New Hampshire commercial real estate purchase and sale agreement is a contract used in commercial property transactions and is often used by potential buyers to present an offer to purchase land. Commercial real estate agreements may be for any type of business space, including retail, office, and manufacturing. In many circumstances, the buyer and...

New Jersey Residential Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

A New Jersey residential real estate purchase and sale agreement is a legal document used in transferring the ownership of residential real estate. It will include the purchase price in addition to any other terms, including the earnest money deposit, closing date, and any contingencies. Prior to the offer being accepted, the seller is required...

New Jersey Commercial Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

A New Jersey commercial real estate purchase and sale agreement is a document containing the terms of the transfer of ownership of commercial real estate from a seller to a buyer. This type of real estate contract is only valid for non-residential property transactions and therefore the creation of the document does not fall under...

New Mexico Residential Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

A New Mexico residential real estate purchase and sale agreement is a legal document binding the seller of a residence and the potential buyer of the property. On the form, the buyer's monetary offer and terms will be written, as well as the date by which the offer will be closed. The seller can negotiate,...

New Mexico Commercial Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

A New Mexico commercial real estate purchase and sale agreement is used by individuals and businesses to outline the terms of a real estate transaction between a buyer and seller. The buyer will usually present the document as an offer to purchase a piece of commercial real estate. Once the offer has been received, the...

Nevada Residential Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

A Nevada purchase agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms for the sale of real estate between a seller and a buyer. The real estate is commonly exchanged for a purchase price in accordance with the contingencies outlined in the agreement. The buyer will commonly request between 30 to 120 days to perform...

Nevada Commercial Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

A Nevada commercial real estate purchase and sale agreement is a contract used by companies or individuals to formalize an agreement to transfer land ownership for business use. The document outlines the financial conditions of their offer, including the purchase price, financing (loans and investment), deposits, and closing. Any additional property (such as appliances and...

New York Residential Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

A New York residential real estate purchase and sale agreement include the terms of a transaction involving real estate between a buyer and a seller. The buyer will use the agreement to make an offer for acceptance by the seller. The seller will choose to accept, reject, or make a counter-offer. Prior to acceptance, the...

New York Commercial Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

A New York commercial real estate purchase and sale agreement is a contract between a buyer and seller governing the transfer of ownership of commercial property. In most cases, the buyer will present the contract to the seller as an offer to purchase and the seller will accept, negotiate, or refuse their offer. Even if...