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Georgia Boat Bill of Sale

A Georgia boat/vessel bill of sale serves as evidence of a vessel's purchase and sale between a buyer and a seller. The bill of sale documents the vessel's identifying information and its agreed-upon purchase price. A new owner must present a bill of sale upon registering the vessel with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.
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Registering a Boat

All mechanically propelled vessels and sailboats exceeding 12 feet in length must be registered with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) before being operated on public waters. Registrations are valid for three years. Renewals may be processed online through the DNR’s registration portal, by phone, or via mail.

Note: All private sellers of a vessel must report the sale or transfer within 15 days to the DNR.[1]

Where to Register

To register your vessel, submit the required documents to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources in one of the following ways:

  1. Online through the DNR’s registration portal;
  2. Mail to the address below:
    GA Department of Natural Resources
    P.O. Box 934943
    Atlanta, GA 31193;
  3. Fax to 678-515-9470; or
  4. Email a scanned image(s) or photo(s) of the document to documents@GaBoat.com.

Required Documents

  • Bill of Sale or other valid proof of ownership;[2]
  • Vessel Registration/Title Application (REV 2020);
  • Original Certificate of Title or Current Registration (only for out-of-state titles transfers);
  • Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin (only required for brand-new boats);
  • Valid Photo ID or Proof of Identity; and
  • Registration Fees ($35-$210, depending on the boat’s length).[3]