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Michigan Bill of Sale Forms (5)

A Michigan bill of sale allows for the ownership transfer of personal property, commonly a vehicle, from a seller to a buyer. The buyer and seller must sign the document after the transaction is complete. The buyer must retain a signed copy if they intend to register the sold property with the state (common for vehicle transfers).
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Forms (5)

Vehicle Bill of Sale– This form will show proof of sale and purchase of a motor vehicle. It will show a change of ownership and is generally needed to register a vehicle.

Download: PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument

Boat Bill of Sale – This form would be used to provide legal proof of purchase and change of ownership of a vessel/boat.

Download: PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument

Firearm Bill of Sale – Used to prove sale and purchase, as well as a change of ownership of a firearm of any kind.

Download: PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument

General Bill of Sale – For personal property and can be used in any circumstance when transferring its ownership.

Download: PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument

Trailer/Watercraft/Snowmobile Bill of Sale – To be used to provide proof of sale and purchase of any Trailer, Watercraft or Snowmobile. This document will prove a change of ownership.

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Vehicle Registration Forms

Boat Registration Forms