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Missouri Bill of Sale Forms (4)

A Missouri bill of sale is a legal document that records the sale and transfer of personal property. It is commonly used for motor vehicles and should be signed when the transaction is completed. Both parties should keep a signed copy, and the buyer will need to show it when registering a vehicle with the Department of Revenue.
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Forms (4)

Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale (Form 1957) – This is to be used to prove the legal sale and purchase of a motor vehicle. The form provides all information needed for a change of ownership, seller and buyer information, and may be used to register the vehicle.

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Boat Bill of Sale – This document would be used to prove the purchase and change of ownership of a vessel/boat and will prove a change of ownership.

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Firearm Bill of Sale – The use of this document will provide legal proof of the sale of a firearm. It will provide information about the seller, buyer, and the firearm itself. It will also provide information with regard to a change of ownership.

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General Bill of Sale – These forms are most generally utilized between two private parties for the proof of sale and change of ownership of personal items.

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Vehicle Registration Forms

Boat Registration Forms