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Minnesota Deed Forms

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Minnesota Deed Forms

Updated April 11, 2024

A Minnesota deed is a legal document that is used to properly transfer or convey real estate in Minnesota. Depending on your need, there are different types of deeds in Minnesota, including a general warranty deed, a quitclaim and a special warranty deed. The warranty deeds include either a complete or a limited “guarantee” from the seller or grantor that the property is clear of title issues. Whether or not there is a guarantee, it is prudent to have a title or property search completed. This allows the buyer to have peace of mind as to what he or she owns upon purchase.

Checklist – Use to ensure that all documents are completed by the preparer for filing.eCRV – Known as the “Certificate of Real Estate Value”, is for all properties worth equal or more than $3,000. It can be submitted online or you can use the physical form (See Sample) which may be obtained at your local Recorder’s office.

Laws – Chapter 507 – Recording and Filing Conveyances

Recording – All deeds must be filed with the County Recorder’s Office in the area of the property’s location.[1]

Signing – All deeds are to be signed by the Grantor(s) along with a Notary Public present.[2]

Well Disclosure Certificate – If the property has a well then the Well Disclosure Certificate must be attached to the deed (or Filed Electronically).[3]

Deed Types (4)

General Warranty – This type of deed comes with a guarantee that there are no title “defects” or barriers to the grantee owning the entire property outright.

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Quit Claim – This is used to transfer property with no warranty. In other words, the grantor transfers to the grantee only the interest they own in the property.

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Special Warranty – This type of deed comes with a partial guarantee, namely that the grantor guarantees that there are no title issues while he owned the property.

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Transfer on Death – This type of deed allows a grantor to transfer title to a property outside of a probate court.

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Minnesota Property Search (4 steps)

Performing a property search prior to closing on a property is a prudent thing to do. A thorough property search, also known as a title search, may uncover hidden defects in title, such as a granted easement 20 years ago, or an undischarged mortgage that should be resolved before closing. In Minnesota, you can go to the county registrar of deeds/ recorder to do a title search. Some counties, such as Hennepin County, provide online search capabilities. The following is an example of how to get started on a title search in Hennepin County:

Step 1

First, go to the Registrar of Titles page in the county in which the property is located.

hennepin county real estate recording information page

Step 2

Then, click on “property information search”:

hennepin county property information search page

Step 3

Click on “RecordEASE – land records search” on the left-hand column.

hennepin county property information online access

Step 4

You will then need to subscribe as follows:

  • Complete the agreement (PDF) — for help, see the agreement instructions (PDF)
  • Sign and date two copies
  • Complete the contact form (PDF)
  • Submit the completed agreement and contact form to:

Hennepin County Recorder/Registrar of Titles
Attn: RecordEASE Web Customer Service
A-500 Government Center
300 South Sixth Street
Minneapolis, MN 55487

The Registrar will then provide you with username and password to access the site.


  1. M.S.A. § 507.0944
  2. M.S.A. § 507.24
  3. M.S.A. § 103I.235