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Nevada Quit Claim Deed

A Nevada quit claim deed is a legal form that allows a person, entity, or trust to transfer real estate in Nevada. This form is different from a warranty deed because it does not come with a warranty. With a quit claim deed, the seller is merely transferring their rights in the property to another.
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  • Cover Sheet – To be placed on top of the deed when filing.
  • Declaration of Value – To be completed in order to secure the price of the property and have the deed processed by the county it is located.[1]
  • Assessor’s Parcel Number – No deed shall be accepted unless it contains the name and address of the person to whom a statement of the taxes assessed on the real property is to be mailed.[2]
  • Recording – This form is to be filed with the County Recorder’s Office (See County List) in the jurisdiction of where the real estate is located.[3]
  • Signing – A quit claim deed is required to be signed with a Notary Public present.[4]
  • StatuteN.R.S. 111.312