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Nevada Deed Forms

A Nevada deed form is used to legally convey or transfer real estate. There are different deeds for different circumstances. All deeds must include the name of the grantor and the grantee, as well as a legal description of the property.
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Deed Types (4)

General Warranty – This deed includes a warranty from the grantor (or seller) that the property is free and clear of any defects in the title.

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Quit Claim – This type comes with no guarantee as the state of the title or the authority of the grantor to transfer the property.

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Special Warranty – This type also has a warranty but is limited to the period of time that the grantor held the property.

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Transfer on Death – This type transfers ownership of a property to a designated beneficiary upon a principal’s death.

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Cover Sheet

Cover Sheet – Required to be placed on top of any deed being filed.

Declaration of Value

Declaration of Value – Required to be completed before recording a deed in the State of Nevada.


All deeds must be filed at the respective County Recorder’s Office (See List of County Recorders)


All deeds to be recorded in the State of Nevada are required to be signed in the presence of a Notary Public.[1]

Nevada Property Search (5 steps)

In order to begin a property search in Nevada, you will need to go to the Nevada Clerks and Recorders website in the county in which the property is located and determine whether they have online search capability or whether you will have to go to the recorder’s office in person. The following is an example of how to begin a property search in Clark County:

Step 1

Click on the Recorder’s website for the county of the property:

clark county recorder's office homepage

Step 2

Click on “Search Records Online“:

clark county recorder's office records search page

Step 3

In Clark County, you can search the database and get an abstract of documents, but in order to get a copy of the actual document, you will need to set up a subscription and pay. Alternatively, you can go to the recorder’s office directly. You should first search abstracts and keep track of which ones you will need copies of. So the first thing you want to do is enter the grantor’s name and then click “Search“.

clark county recorder's office records search page

Step 4

If you scroll down, you will see a list of documents. You will want to find the deed that originally transferred the property to the person from whom you are buying (the grantor), so check on the dates and property info to determine which document is the one you are looking for. You will then be able to know who transferred the property to the grantor and will be able to search that person’s name.

Step 5

Keep track of the documents using the instrument number that pertain to your property as you will want to have copies of them sent to you.


  1. NRS 111.105