Routing Number – 061000104
How to Write
Step 1 – Locate the button labeled “PDF” below the image to the right. Select this button then download the SunTrust Direct Deposit Enrollment Form. You will need a PDF program or form friendly browser to enter information directly on the screen however, if you do not have such software, you may also print this then fill it out.
Step 2 – Locate the grey table at the top of this page, “Company/Employer Name,” then enter the Name of the Employer or Company that will be authorized to deposit payments directly into your Account.
Step 3 – You will have a choice between having your payments deposited directly into one Account, referred to as the Primary Account, or having the deposit payments split between the Primary Account and one or two other Accounts. The box labeled “Account Number,” in the “Primary Direct Deposit Account” section, will require a report on the Account Number where you would like your Direct Deposit to be received. Then, in the column labeled “Amount,” enter the partial or full amount you would like deposited. Finally, indicate the Account type by marking the box labeled “Checking” or the box labeled “Savings” at the end of this row.
Step 4 – The second table is optional as it gives the option to add a second and third Account you may have your payment deposited to…effectively splitting the payment to multiple destination accounts of your choosing. As with the table above, report the Account Number you wish the deposit to occur in the column labeled “Account Number,” the Amount to be deposited in the column labeled “Amount,” and indicate whether this is a Checking or Savings Account by marking the appropriate box at the end of that Account’s row.
Step 5 – Locate the first line in the table below the Authorization Statement. In the first box, “Employee Name,” Print your Full Name. Then, in the second box report your Employee ID Number.
Step 6 – Sign your Name in the Signature box, then enter the current Date.
Step 7 – Submit this completed form to the Payroll Department of your place of employment. Make sure they will accept this documentation and do not require additional paperwork.