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Idaho Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order Form

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Idaho Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order Form

Updated July 19, 2023

The Idaho do not resuscitate (DNR) order form has been integrated into a standardized form featuring a wider range of options concerning medical treatments and procedures for patients with terminal/serious illnesses. Before the year 2007, Idaho, like most states, acknowledged a simple DNR form for patients who did not wish to be resuscitated in the event of cardiac or respiratory arrest. Nowadays, the standardized Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment (POST) form has been accepted as it includes more life-saving treatment options. The POST form contains sections regarding medical interventions, artificial nutrition, and, of course, resuscitation procedures. Typically, refusing CPR and other forms of resuscitation is reserved for the terminally ill or individuals who suffer from a condition which, with the added strain of CPR, would lead to imminent death. A POST form can only be requested by a physician but the contents will be honored by any and all medical staff who come across a patient with a physician-signed form.

Laws§ 39-4514

Required to Sign – Patient and physician.

How to Write

Step 1 – Only physicians and healthcare facilities can request a POST form. However, a sample form can be downloaded here in PDF.

Step 2 – Complete the first section in the top right-hand corner of the page. This includes the patient’s first name, last name, date of birth, last four digits of Social Security number and gender.

Step 3 – Section ‘A’ provides the patient with the option of approving or denying CPR and other resuscitation procedures should their heart or breathing stop. Circle the desired option and, if applicable, enter any additional instructions on the available lines.

Step 4 – Under section ‘B’, select the desired form of medical intervention. This section pertains to treatments/procedures performed on a patient if they require medical care but they are breathing and have a pulse.

Step 5 – Section ‘C’ has two parts: artificial fluids/nutrition and antibiotics/blood products. Complete these sections by selecting “Yes” next to each category the patient approves of. Enter any additional instructions if necessary.

Step 6 – If the patient has a living will, advance directive or another such type of document, enter this information into section ‘D’.

Step 7 – The patient (or surrogate) and physician must be included their signature and the date into the appropriate fields under section ‘E’. In addition, the patient/surrogate must print their name and enter their relationship to the patient. (If the patient is able to sign, they can put “self.”) The physician should also print their name, provide their phone number, enter their license number, indicate with whom they discussed the form and the basis for the order form.