How to Evaluate an Employee (4 steps)
1. Evaluate Honestly
A fair and constructive review typically includes both positive and negative points. To be human is to be imperfect. A solid employee evaluation form is a powerful tool in supporting both individual growth and company-wide success. Without some variation in the evaluation results, it is nearly impossible to form a three-dimensional picture of the employee.
2. Include Details
An employee evaluation is more than the sum of its individual parts. It should provide a narrative about the employee’s performance and progress over the past year or period, specific directions for improvement, and an overall rating. It should paint a picture of the employee as a full person in context.
4. Discuss the Report with the Employee
The evaluation process should be regular and predictable. Results should be presented constructively to employees.
The workforce at a company will often span a spectrum — with a few standouts, some struggling, and a mass of satisfactory employees. For those failing to meet standards, the evaluation process provides a key opportunity to initiate a development plan or to put an employee on probation.