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Arkansas 3-Day Notice to Quit Form | Non-Payment of Rent

An Arkansas 3-day notice to pay or quit is sent to a tenant who has not paid their rent on the time and date mentioned in the lease. The landlord can send this notice after the 5-day rent grace period required under statutory law. The landlord can request back rent plus any penalties accumulated when sending this notice.
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  • Notice Period: 3 days.[1]
  • Rent Grace Period: 5 days.[2]
  • Maximum Late Fee: A landlord can charge a late fee, but no maximum amount is specified.[3]

Delivery Options (3)

Delivery to a tenant is considered valid if steps have been “reasonably calculated” to inform them of the notice. This includes:

  • Delivered in person to the tenant;
  • Mailed by registered or certified mail with a return receipt; or
  • Proof of mailing.[4]


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