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Indiana 10-Day Notice to Quit Form | Non-Payment of Rent

An Indiana 10-day notice to quit for non-payment of rent is a letter that informs a tenant that they have breached their residential rental agreement by not paying rent on time. The tenant will have no less than 10 days from delivery of the notice to either pay the rent in full or leave the premises.
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  • Notice Period: 10 days.[1]
  • Rent Grace Period: No statute. Can be stated in the lease agreement.
  • Maximum Late Fee: No statute. Can be stated in lease agreement.

Delivery Options

Notice can be served in the following ways:

  • Personally to the tenant;
  • Personally to another person residing at the premises, with an explanation of the contents of the notice; or
  • By affixing a copy of the notice in an obvious place on the premises.[2]

Waiver of Landlord’s Right to Terminate

While Indiana law doesn’t explicitly address this matter, it’s generally the case that courts can rule that if landlords accept late or partial rent they are effectively voiding an eviction proceeding.


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