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Sales Meeting Agenda Template

A sales meeting agenda provides a structure for a group of sales representatives to discuss recent closings, clients, and potential leads. At the discretion of the meeting leader, agendas can be distributed prior to the meeting or upon the set starting time.
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What to Include (7 items)

Formatting will vary depending on the type of sales meeting being conducted. However, below is a general guideline commonly used by sales departments in businesses. Items can be added, changed, or omitted at the discretion of the meeting organizer.

1. Meeting Details

All basic details of a meeting must be included on the agenda, such as time, date, and location. A dial-in number or URL can be added if the meeting will be held online through video-conferencing software (Zoom, Skype, etc).

II. Opening

The leader will call the meeting into order at the set starting time. Sales meetings typically open with icebreakers in order to encourage attendees to participate and share their input. In some instances, a grace period of a few minutes can be left open for late arrivals.

If and when necessary, the person in charge of meeting minutes can officially call the meeting into order and begin documenting minutes.

3. Take Attendance

Sales representatives or other invitees who are present or absent may be recorded by name on the agenda after going through a standard roll call.

4. Successful Closings

Taking a moment to announce and celebrate recent sales can positively motivate sales representatives. Therefore, many meeting organizers set aside an item on the agenda dedicated solely to praising and showcasing notable closings. Additionally, any noteworthy company-specific accomplishments can be communicated during this item.

5. Prospects and Leads

Sales meetings occur, more often than not, to discuss new clients/buyers and potential leads. It is crucial to explore prospects during this allocated time on the docket. Here, meeting leads can address viable measures in which to convert potential buyers into clients.

6. Round-Robin Discussion

After discussing notable sales and potential ones, meeting /leaders often opt to open the floor for discussion among attendees. A round-robin, or “roundtable,” forum can be itemized on the agenda so that all attendees can share their input on the matters at hand. Attendees can share potential clients, address any roadblocks, clarify concerns, and ask questions about sales leads.

7. Adjournment

Effective meeting leaders often use this closing item to review everything discussed and highlight the sales team’s next steps. Once everything is covered, the meeting shall adjourn at the meeting leader’s discretion. If desired, minutes can be approved by attendees upon the conclusion of the meeting.
