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California Partnership Agreement

A California partnership agreement is a binding document that delineates the terms of a business partnership. The agreement determines each partner's ownership, involvement, and liability in the business. A limited partnership (LP) in California is required to file its partnership agreement with the Secretary of State.[1]
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“Partnership Agreement” Definition

“Partnership agreement” means the partners’ agreement, whether oral, implied, in a record, or in any combination, concerning the limited partnership. The term includes the agreement as amended.[2]

Allowed Partnership Types

  • General Partnerships (GP)[3]
  • Limited Partnership (LP)[4]
  • Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)[5]
  • Limited Liability Companies (LLC)[6]

Limited Liability Limited Companies (LLLPs)

California does not allow the formation of LLLPs. Although, it does recognize LLLPs formed in another State that is operating in California.[7]