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Limited Liability Limited Partnership (LLLP) Agreement

A limited liability limited partnership (LLLP) agreement is for partnerships that offer protection from personal liability to both the limited and general partners. This is a newer type of entity that is available in most States and is popular for real estate investment.
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Downloads: 300


“In a limited liability limited partnership (“LLLP”), no partner – whether general or limited – is liable on account of partner status for the limited partnership’s obligations. Both general and limited partners benefit from a full, status-based liability shield that is equivalent to the shield enjoyed by corporate shareholders, LLC members, and partners in an LLP.[1]

Are LLLPs Legal in Every State?

No, LLLPs are not legal in all 50 States. Although, they are legal in the following 32 States (see table below):

State LLLP’s Allowed? Statute
 Alabama Yes § 10A-9A-1.02 (6)
 Alaska Yes AS 10.55.901(14)(D)
 Arizona Yes AZ Commerce
 Arkansas Yes § 4-47-102(9)
 California No www.ftb.ca.gov
 Colorado Yes § 7-64-1002
 Connecticut No
 Delaware Yes § 17-214
 Florida Yes § 620.1108
 Georgia Yes § 14-8-62(g)
 Hawaii Yes § 425E-108
 Idaho Yes § 30-21-302
 Illinois No
 Indiana Yes § 805 ILCS 215/(13)(b)
 Iowa Yes § 488.108(3)
 Kansas No
 Kentucky Yes § 362.2-102(12)
 Louisiana No
 Maine No
 Maryland Yes § 1-502(e)
 Massachusetts No
 Michigan No
 Minnesota Yes § 321.1206(e)
 Mississippi No MS LP Study Group
 Missouri Yes § 359.172
 Montana Yes § 35-12-504(9)
 Nebraska No
 Nevada Yes NRS 88.6065
 New Hampshire No
 New Jersey No
 New Mexico Yes Section 54-2A-108(A)
 New York No
 North Carolina Yes § 59-210
 North Dakota Yes Title 45, Chapter 23
 Ohio Yes § 1782.64
 Oklahoma Yes §54-500-102A(9)
 Oregon No
 Pennsylvania Yes Title 15, Chapter 82
 Rhode Island No
 South Carolina No
 South Dakota Yes § 48-7-1106
 Tennessee Yes § 61-3-101(13)
 Texas Yes § 5.055
 Utah Yes § 48-2e-102
 Vermont No
 Virginia Yes § 4141(14)(a)(4)
 Washington Yes § 50-73.78(2)
Washington D.C. Yes § 29–701.02(7)
West Virginia No
 Wisconsin No
 Wyoming Yes § 17-24-202(xv)