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Oregon Partnership Agreement

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Oregon Partnership Agreement

Updated March 19, 2024

An Oregon partnership agreement is a legally binding contract that breaks down the distinguished roles, responsibilities, and liabilities for each partner involved. It normally certifies dissolution, duration, liabilities, ownership interests, and dispute resolution. The content should be extended for the sake of avoiding confusion in the future.

Partnership Types

  • General Partnerships (GP)[1]
  • Limited Partnership (LP)[2]
  • Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)[3]
  • Limited Liability Companies (LLC)[4]


  1. Title 7, Chapter 67 (§§ 67.005-67.990)
  2. Title 7, Chapter 70 (§§ 70.005-70.990)
  3. Title 7, Chapter 67 (§§ 67.600-67.680)
  4. Title 7, Chapter 63 (§§ 63.001-63.992)