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Idaho Tax Power of Attorney Form

An Idaho tax power of attorney is the paperwork that a principal must submit to assign someone representational authority with the tax commission. The elected agent will be able to handle principal-defined tax matters and make filings at the direction of and in the best interest of the principal.
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How to Write

1 – Organize The Paperwork For This Filing

Once the Granting Taxpayer has settled upon the Agent he or she wishes to appoint Tax Powers to gather the tax documents that will need to be referenced and the Agent’s information. Open or Download the PDF form on this page, then fill in the required information using this material. Make sure that all attachments are properly labeled and present at the time of signing.

2 – Report Each Grantor’s Information In The Table Provided

The Grantor of Principal Authority must have several pieces of information input into the table provided in “1. Taxpayer/Grantor Information.” Generally, this is considered basic information.

The first row in this table will concern itself with the Principal Taxpayer. If this individual has filed jointly, the second row should be utilized to report the same information regarding the Principal Taxpayer’s Spouse. To begin, report the Principal Taxpayer’s Last Name in the first cell. If the Principal Taxpayer is a business entity, then enter the Business Entity’s full name in this cell.

The next cell on this row has been provided so the Principal Taxpayer’s First Name and Middle Initial should be entered. If the Principal Taxpayer is a business entity, this cell may be left blank.

The final cell on this row requires the Grantor’s Social Security Number. If the Grantor/Taxpayer is a business entity, then enter the entity’s EIN number.

If the Grantor is married and has filed jointly, the Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial, and Social Security Number of the Spouse must be entered across the cells in the second row. If the Grantor has not filed jointly, this row may be left blank.

The third row will require the Street Address of the Grantor reported in the first cell and his or her “Daytime Telephone Number” entered in the second cell.

The third row in this section will require the “City, State, Zip” Code of the Grantor to be reported in the first cell and his or her E-Mail Address, entered in the second cell of this row.

4 – Declare Each Representative’s Identity And Information

Section 2, “Representative(s),” will provide an area to report some basic information. There is enough room for one Representative to be declared, however, if the Grantor intends on having more than one, the remaining roster may be included as an attachment provided that each piece of information relating to the Representative(s) is supplied.

Utilize the two cells in the first row of this table to report the Full Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial) and I.D. Number of the Grantor’s Designated Representative. The I.D. Number may be a PTIN, EIN, or SSN.

If the Designated Representative is working for a Firm or a Company, then use the first cell in the second row to enter the Full Name of this entity (otherwise leave it blank). Then, use the second cell in this row to enter the Representative’s “Telephone Number.”

The third row will require the Representative’s Street Address and Fax Number in the two cells provided. Enter each item in its designated cell.

The last row of this table must have the “City, State, Zip” Code of the Representative recorded in the first cell and the Representative’s “E-Mail Address” filled into the second cell.

Just below this table will be a statement with a checkbox. If the Grantor does not want his or her Representative to receive copies of notices or communications from the I.R.S. or Idaho Tax Commission, then mark this checkbox. If the Representative may receive such items regarding the Grantor, then leave this check box unmarked.

5 – The Grantor’s Approved Representation

The next table, in the third section (“Tax Matters Approved For Representation”), will have three columns. The first column will have several Types of Tax Matter listed, each with a checkbox. Check each Tax Matter that applies. You may select at least one, some, or all of these Tax Matters to approve Representation by the Grantee/Agent: Individual Income Tax, Business Income Tax, Sales & Use Tax, Income Tax Withholding, and/or Other Tax/Fee. If choosing “Other Tax/Fee(specify), make sure to declare the Tax Matter being approved on the blank line.

The second column, “State Tax/Fee Permit Number,” has been provided for further definition. If the Tax Matter indicated in column one has a State Tax/Fee Permit Number, it (or they) must be reported in the same row as the Tax Matter it defines. If not, you may leave it blank.

The third column, “Periods/Years,” must have the Beginning and End Date applying to the Tax Matter the Representative’s Principal Authority will be valid reported in the cell corresponding to that Tax Matter.

6 – The Grantor’s Specific Action Instructions

In the “Actions Authorized” section, report any additional Actions the Grantee may take when representing the Grantor. This section may also have any conditions, restrictions, or limitations on actions the Grantee may take. Several blank lines have been provided however if there is not enough room, an attachment may be used to continue this.

7 – The Effective Power Of This Document

The “Revocation/Expiration,” portion of this document will enable the Grantor to keep any previous Powers of Attorney on file with the Idaho State Tax Commission in effect (if they are still active when this form is signed). Normally, any such powers previously granted would automatically be terminated upon this form’s execution, however, if the Grantor wishes to keep such powers from being terminated this way at this time, he or she need only mark the checkbox in this section and attach a copy of the Authority Document to remain in effect.

If there is to have an Expiration Date to the powers granted in this form, declare it on the blank line after the words “Expiration date (optional).”

8 – The Grantor/Taxpayer Authorization

This form must be signed by the Grantor or Principal Taxpayer named in Section 1. Locate the blank lines subdivided by the labels “Name,” “Title (if applicable),” and “Date.” Notice that two lines have been provided in case two Taxpayers have been named in Section 1. Each Grantor/Taxpayer must sign his or her name just above the word “Name.”

If the Grantor holds a Title in his or her Name, it should be reported just above the word “Title (if applicable).” 

Once the Taxpayer has performed this Signature, he or she should enter the Signature Date above the word “Date”