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Idaho Power of Attorney Forms (10 Types)

An Idaho power of attorney allows a person (principal) to allow someone else (agent) to legally act in their place for financial, medical, and handle other responsibilities. The principal should authorize the power of attorney in the presence of a notary. After signing, the agent selected should bring a copy whenever acting on the principal's behalf.
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By Type (10)

Durable (Statutory) Power of Attorney – The agent can and will still continue to act on behalf of the principal even if an incapacitating event occurs.

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Signing Requirements: Notary public.[1]

Advance Directive – Appoints a person to make medical care decisions for another.

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Signing Requirements: Principal only.[2]

General (Financial) Power of Attorney – This type of form is similar to the durable, except that it becomes void if the principal can no longer make decisions on their own.

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Signing Requirements: Notary public.[1]

Limited Power of Attorney – A legal way for someone to confer authority on another for a discreet transaction or period of time.

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Signing Requirements: Notary public.[1]

Minor (Child) Power of Attorney – Appoints a person or persons to be guardians of a minor child for a period of time.

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Signing Requirements: Notary public.[1]

Real Estate Power of Attorney – Allows an agent, selected by the property owner, to have specific or ultimate decision-making power over the managing and selling of property.

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Signing Requirements: Notary public.[2]

Revocation of Power of Attorney Form – This is used to cancel any type of POA already in existence.

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Springing Power of Attorney – Allows a durable power of attorney to ‘kick-in’ upon a principal’s subsequent incapacity.

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Signing Requirements: Notary public.

Tax Power of Attorney Form – Used by a taxpayer in order to have another person represent them with tax filings or related matters.

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Signing Requirements: Taxpayer only.

Vehicle Power of Attorney Form (IDT-3368) – Used when a vehicle owner needs someone to represent them with the motor vehicle authority, such as registering of titling.

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Signing Requirements: Grantor and a notary public.
