How to Write
1 – Gather All Tax Papers Concerning The Powers To Be Delegated Then Open This Form
There will be some very specific information required by this document. You must make sure to review the information required. When ready, select the button with the file type you prefer to work with on the right. Each will open the correct form in the file type you chose.
2 – The Taxpayer Information Of The Principal
The information required in the first table “Taxpayer Information” will serve to clearly identify who is delivering his or her Authority to the Attorney-in-Fact who will be named below. This will normally be reserved for one individual, however, if the Principal filed jointly, his or her Spouse will need to fill out the appropriate areas as well.
The first cell requiring attention, “Taxpayer’s Name,” must have the Legal Name of the Taxpayer granting power. If this entity is a business, then its official Legal Name and DBA Name should be reported here as well.
The box directly below the first cell will be divided into three areas: Address, City, and Zip Code. Record the Principal Taxpayer’s Street Address, City, State, and Zip Code using this cell.Now, the second cell in the first row will seek the “Taxpayer’s Social Security Number.” Record the Principal Taxpayer’s SSN number in this cell.
In the second cell (in the second row), the Principal Taxpayer’s EIN/SSN/PTIN Number should be reported. The number input here should be reflective of the Taxpaying entity (i.e. if the Taxpayer is a business entity, enter its Employer Identification Number).
The next area of this table will seek to define if the Principal Taxpayer’s Spouse. This area should only be supplied with information if the Principal Taxpayer filed jointly with his or her Spouse. This will provide a space for the Spouse’s Name and Social Security Number in the third row. Also, the Spouse’s Address should be reported in the first cell of the last row.
The last cell in the last row of this table will require the Taxpayer’s Telephone Number entered.
4. Information Documenting the Taxpayer’s Attorney-in-Fact Must Bew Recorded
The second table in this form, “Taxpayer Grant Of Power Of Attorney,” will require some unique information on the Attorney-in-Fact the Taxpayer has chosen to delegate Power to. After all, for the safety of the Taxpayer, it is crucial that the Kansas Department of Revenue be able to clearly Identity the individual who will represent the Taxpayer’s wishes.
Below the statement, “I hereby appoint the following…,” locate the cell labeled “Representative’s Name and Title.” Here, you will need to enter the Legal Name of the Taxpayer’s Attorney-in-Fact. Make sure to enter precisely as it appears on the Attorney-in-Fact’s I.D. If the Attorney-in-Fact represents a Firm working with the Principal Taxpayer make sure to enter the Name of this Firm (or other business entity) as well.
Use the two cells below the “Representative’s Name and Title” box, to enter the Attorney-in-Fact’s Address, City, State, and Zip Code.
The second column of this table will request the “Phone Number,” “Fax Number,” and “EIN/SSN/PTIN” of the Attorney-in-Fact. Make sure to enter this clearly and appropriately. For instance, if the Attorney-in-Fact is representing a Firm and works with the Principal, strictly in this capacity, enter the Firm’s EIN Number. The second set of rows in this table has been reserved for a second Attorney-in-Fact. This is not required, however since time-sensitive material may be involved, some Principal’s prefer having an Alternate or Successor Attorney-in-Fact already approved with Principal Authority. This will require the Name, Address, Phone Number, Fax, Number, and EIN/SSN/PTIN Number of such an entity to be entered. Otherwise, if there is no second Attorney-in-Fact, you may leave this table blank.
5 – The Principal Must Authorize What The Attorney-in-Fact May Do
In the section just below the title “Authorized Acts,” several statements meant to define what the Principal authorizes the Attorney-in-Fact to do on his or her behalf. Each statement will have its own checkbox. If the Principal wishes to delegate the Powers defined in that statement to the Attorney-in-Fact, the corresponding checkbox should be marked.
If the Attorney-in-Fact has Principal Authorization to “Receive and inspect…” the Principal’s Confidential tax information, then mark the check box corresponding to the first statement.
If the Attorney-in-Fact has the Principal Authority in provide Principal Consent in writing, then mark the box preceding the words “Sign agreements, consents, or other…”The Principal may choose to have the Attorney-in-Fact act as his or her Representative in all Tax Matters before the KSDOR, if the checkbox preceding the words “Represent me in tax matters before the department” has been marked by the Principal.
If the Principal authorizes the Attorney-in-Fact to execute any act with the Principal’s Tax Matters as if he or she were the Principal, the checkbox preceding the words “Perform any act…” should be marked.
The next statement, “List any specific additions or deletions…” supplies a defined area where any specific preferences of the Principal may be reported and documented as part of this paperwork. This should only relate to the Principal’s Tax Matters and should be a complete account of any provisions, conditions, limitations, circumstances, or extensions to how the Attorney-in-Fact’s Principal Authority should be defined.If any previous documents delivering Principal Authority regarding the Principal’s Tax Matters are on file with the Kansas Department of Revenue, the area below the words “Retention/Revocation of Prior Powers of Attorney” will need to be addressed. By virtue of this item, all such issuances will be automatically Revoked and Terminated as a result of this document’s execution. This may be prevented, however. If any such previous Authorities must remain in effect, then check the box below the statement beginning with “I hereby revoke.” This checkbox will make an exemption of any attached Authority document so long as it is attached to this form at the time of signing (see example below).
6 – The Assignment Of Principal Authority Must Be Signed By Each Taxpayer Involved
The third section, “Signature of Taxpayer” will provide two lines, each with three blank spaces. This allows up to two Principals to participate in the delegation of Power. Each Principal should sign the “Signature” line, print his or her name on the “Printed Name” line, and enter the Date of Signature on the “Date” line.
The next Signature area will be the fourth section, “Signature of Representative,” where the Attorney-in-Fact must provide his or her Signature, Printed Name, and Signature Date on the blank spaces labeled “Signature,” “Printed Name,” and “Date.” There will be enough room for two distinct entities to provide such items. Once this document has been completed and double checked, you may contact the Kansas Department of Revenue to follow the procedures required to submit this form to the proper office in your area for your purpose.
Taxpayer Assistance Center
Docking State Office Building
1st Floor
915 SW Harrison St.
Topeka, KS 66612-1588
Phone: (785) 368-8222