How to Write
1 – Open The Tax Power Form Presented
In order to obtain the required paperwork, click on the button below the image on this page. This will deliver the Tax Power form as a PDF. You may either enter information onscreen (provided you have the appropriate software) or you may print it out to supply the information manually.
2 – The First Section Requires The Taxpayer Information Entered
This document will require quite a bit of information, the first items will concern themselves with the Identity of the Principal. The Principal may be an individual or a business. If it is an individual who has filed jointly with a Spouse, you will need to provide some items regarding the Spouse’s Identity as well. This report may be provided using the first table on this page.
The first four cells on this table (occupying the first two rows) will need some definitive information. Enter the Principal Taxpayer’s Legal Name in the first cell (under the words “Taxpayer’s Name”). Then using the next cell, in the same row, record the Tax Payer’s I.D. Number. If this is an individual, report his or her Social Security Number here. If this is a business, record the business’ FEIN Number. The next row has been provided in case the Principal is an individual who has filed jointly with a Spouse. If this is the case, then enter that Spouse’s Full Name on the blank line below the words “Spouse’s Name.” The Spouse’s Social Security Number must be recorded in the next blank cell of this row. Enter the Full Address of the Principal Taxpayer on the third row. This row will provide clearly defined areas for the Street Address, City, State, and Zip Code.
3 – The Attorney-in-Fact’s Information Must Be Reported In the Second Section
The second section of this form will begin with three check boxes: “Add,” “Change,” and “Remove.” These apply to the purpose of this form. If the purpose is to appoint New Powers of Attorney then mark the first checkbox. If the Principal Powers here are meant to be added to an existing Principal Agent, then mark the box labeled “Change.” If the purpose is to remove existing Powers of Attorney, then mark the third checkbox. Only one of these actions may be taken through this form.
Now on the blank line below the words “Primary Appointee,” enter the Legal Full Name of the Attorney-in-Fact these Principal Powers will apply to.
The second line in this section requires the Residential Street Address, City, State, and Zip Code where the Attorney-in-Fact lives.
The third blank line here will require the Attorney-in-Fact’s Contact Information reported. Enter the Phone number, Fax Number, and Email Address where the Attorney-in-Fact will be reliably reached.
4 – The Level Of Authority Delegated To The Attorney-in-Fact Must Be Defined In The Third Section
What the Attorney-in-Fact may do with Principal Power regarding the Principal’s Taxes will be defined in the next section. Initially, you will be presented with two checkboxes. If the Principal will grant the Attorney-in-Fact with the Full Scope of his or her Authority regarding Taxes, then mark the first checkbox. If the Principal wishes to grant such a broad scope of Authority but does not wish to grant the Attorney-in-Fact with the Principal Power to sign Principal Tax Returns then mark the checkbox labeled “Check This Box If The Appointee(s) IS Not Authorized To Sign Tax Returns.”
If the Principal wishes to specify what Matters the Attorney-in-Fact may act upon, then mark the box labeled “I Grant Limited Authority For Specific Tax Types, Periods, and/or Duties.” This choice, of course, will require additional definition which will be requested below. Here, too, an additional box will be provided. If the Principal does not wish to grant the Attorney-in-Fact the Power to sign his or her Returns, the checkbox labeled “Check This Box If The Appointee(s) Is Not Authorized To Sign The Returns…”
The next part of this choice will require some additional information to help specify what the Attorney-in-Fact may do. Such information should be presented using the columns provided. There will be two sets of the following columns: “Tax Type” and “Years Or Periods.” We will need to check each checkbox labeled with a Principal Power that should be granted to the Attorney-in-Fact. The Tax Matters the Attorney-in-Fact may utilize Principal Authority with are: Individual Income tax, Property Tax Refund, Nontax Debts, Business Income Taxes, Sales and Use Tax, Withholding Tax, and Minnesota Care Taxes. The last “Tax Type” is “Other.” This has been provided in case none of the Tax Types listed adequately describe a subject matter the Attorney-in-Fact should wield Principal Authority in. If marking the box “Other,” you must define the Tax Matter on the line below the word “Other.”
5 – Two Options May Be Addressed In the Next Section
After declaring the level of Principal Authority, the Attorney-in-Fact will have in which matters and for how long, the option to define the level of correspondence the Attorney-in-Fact may have will be presented in the form of two paragraphs, each with a corresponding checkbox.
If the Principal prefers the Attorney-in-Fact to receive all correspondence regarding the Tax Matters defined, then mark the box under the heading “Authorize Primary Appointee To Receive All Correspondence, Including Refunds, From The Department.” Note: If this box is marked the Attorney-in-Fact, not the Principal, will receive all correspondence (including checks) that relates to the Tax Matters the Attorney-in-Fact has the Authority to act in.
If the Principal prefers, he or she can approve the Minnesota Department Of Revenue to communicate with the Attorney-in-Fact by Email. To do this, the checkbox under the heading “Authorize Appointee To Communicate By Email.” This will require the Appointee’s Signature along with the Date of Signature provided on the blank space below this option.
The final Option that may be tended will concern the lifespan of the Principal Authority granted here. If the Principal desires, he or she can name a Termination Date that will automatically cease the Effectiveness of this document. To name such a Date, enter the Month, Day, and Year of the Termination Date in the row titled “Expiration Date.”
6 – The Principal Powers Defined Here Will Only Become Effective Upon The Principal Signature
The last two rows on this form have been supplied for the required Principal Taxpayer Signature. The Principal Taxpayer must sign and print his or her Name, enter the Date of Signing, and supply his or her Phone Number beneath the words “Taxpayer’s Signature,” “Print Name,” “Date,” and “Phone.” If the Principal Taxpayer is a business entity, then an authorized Representative Officer must sign the Taxpayer’s Signature line, print his or her Name and Title with the Principal Taxpayer, then supply the Date of Signature and the Principal Taxpayer’s Contact Telephone Number on this line.
If the Principal Taxpayer has filed jointly with a Spouse the last row on this form will need attention. Here the Principal Taxpayer Spouse must sign and print his or her Name under the label “Spouse’s Signature” and “Print Spouse’s Name” respectively. The next areas of this line require the Spouse’s Date of Signature and Phone Number recorded.