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New Mexico Tax Power of Attorney (Form ACD-31102)

A New Mexico tax power of attorney (Form ACD-31102) is a form used to appoint someone, usually a tax attorney or accountant, to represent a person's tax-related affairs. This power of attorney will allow the elected representative to obtain tax information and make filings.
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How to Write

1 – Download The Designation Paperwork Below

The documentation to assign Tax Powers should be saved and downloaded from this page. It’s available in one of the three file formats under the image (PDF, DOC, ODT). Make sure to enter all the information as accurately as possible since this will be considered an official request by the Principal to interested Tax entities, such as the I.R.S.

2 – Identifying The Tax Payer

The first step will be to identify the Taxpayer assigning his or her Principal Powers. This will have to be done using one or both of the first two rows. If the Principal is a Taxpaying Business, then record the Business’ Legal Name in the box labeled “Business Name” then enter its “New Mexico ID Number” in the adjacent box. 

If the Principal is an individual, then record the Taxpayer’s Legal Name in the box labeled “Name” in the second row. If this is the case, then report his or her “Social Security Number” in the next box of this row.

3 – Providing Contact Information

The Principal Taxpayer’s Address must be documented in this area below the Name. Supply this information in the box labeled “Address.” Continue reporting his or her Contact Information by filling in his or her current Phone Number in the box labeled “Telephone Number.”

4 – Assigning Principal Authority

Find the words “Hereby Authorizes.” Place the full Name of the Attorney-in-Fact on the blank line that follows these words. Below this, fill in the Legal Address of the Attorney-in-Fact using the blank lines provided next to the word “Address.” Finally, document the Attorney-in-Fact’s current Telephone Number in the box labeled “Telephone Number.”

5 – Describing Assigned Principal Authority

In addition to identifying the Taxpaying Principal and the Attorney-in-Fact, we will need to specify how the Principal wishes the Attorney-in-Fact to represent him or her.

In the left column under the words “Check All Items That Apply,” several subjects have been presented in a check list: All State Taxes, CRS Taxes, Income Taxes, and Specify Others. One or more of these subjects may be included in the Attorney-in-Fact’s Principal Powers by marking the corresponding check box. Make sure to include the details of any additional Powers that should be assigned to the Attorney-in-Fact on the blank lines provided, if “Specify Others” is marked. The column on the right will provide two choices to indicate the Time Period the Attorney-in-Fact may exert Principal Power. If the Attorney-in-Fact may use his or her Principal Power concerning any time period, then mark the box labeled “Any Year.” If the Principal prefers to limit the Attorney-in-Fact’s Powers to specific time periods, then mark the box labeled “Specify Specify Year(s).” Make sure to enter the Years when the Attorney-in-Fact may use Principal Power on the blank spaces supplied for this choice.

6 – Executing This Authority

The end of this form will provide a clear-cut area where the Principal Taxpayer may execute this form. He or she will need to sign his or her name on the blank line in the area above the word “Signature.” If the Principal Taxpayer is a business, the Signature must be made by an authorized representative who must enter his or her Title on the next area of this blank line. If the Taxpayer was married and filed jointly, he or she will need to have the spouse sign and date this document using the second signature line.

Note: If the Attorney-in-Fact will represent the Principal Taxpayer to the I.R.S., you must submit Form 2848 or one with the same purpose to the I.R.S.