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New Mexico Power of Attorney Forms (10 Types)

New Mexico power of attorney forms allow a person to authorize someone else to handle financial, medical, or other affairs on their behalf. The person giving the power ("principal") should choose a trusted person ("agent") to act in their presence as they will have as much power as the principal acting on their own.
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By Type (10)

Durable (Statutory) Power of Attorney – Grants financial powers to another person. The form remains valid even if the principal becomes incapacitated.

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Signing Requirements: Notary public.[1]

General (Financial) Power of Attorney – Similar to durable POA, but it become void upon the incapacity of the person who granted the power initially.

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Signing Requirements: Notary public.[1]

Limited Power of Attorney – A limited version is for specific, limited transactions and the representation ends upon completion of the transaction.

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Signing Requirements: Notary public.[1]

Medical Power of Attorney – Used to appoint another person to make decisions on your behalf during a medical situation if you are unable to make your own decisions.

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Signing Requirements: Two (2) witnesses are “recommended but not required.”[2]

Minor (Child) Power of Attorney – Can be used by a parent to convey guardianship power of their minor children to another while the parent is temporarily away from the children.

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Signing Requirements: Notary public.[3]

Revocation of Power of Attorney – Used to revoke or terminate a previously executed power of attorney.

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Signing Requirements: Not specifically mentioned; notarization is recommended.[4]

Real Estate Power of Attorney – Allows for a person to elect someone else to assist them in managing or selling real property.

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Signing Requirements: Notary public.[1]

Springing Power of Attorney – Allows a durable power of attorney to ‘kick-in’ upon a principal’s subsequent incapacity.

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Signing Requirements: Notary public.

Tax Power of Attorney (Form ACD 31102) – Used to appoint a tax professional to handle your tax matters with the tax authority in New Mexico.

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Signing Requirements: Principal only.

Vehicle Power of Attorney (Form MVD-11020) – Used to appoint another to take care of your motor vehicle titling and registration issues in front of the NM motor vehicle authority.

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Signing Requirements: Notary public.
