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Wyoming General (Financial) Power of Attorney

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Wyoming General (Financial) Power of Attorney

Updated August 09, 2023

A Wyoming General (Financial) Power of Attorney Form allows an individual (“principal”) to grant an agent the written approval required to handle their financial affairs, as long as the principal is conscious, can communicate effectively, and can make their own decisions. You, the principal, will be able to easily define the types of decisions and actions the agent should engage in when representing your interests and carrying out your directives by supplying several pieces of information and items to this document. Keep in mind, this appointment will not provide any durable powers in this state. If you wish the authority you deliver to remain in place even if you are rendered unable to communicate, make decisions, and remain conscious, then it is recommended you review  Wyoming durable form instead.

How to Write

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1 – Clearly Identify The Principal Granting Authority

The first page of this template will require a production of the Principal’s Full Name in two areas. The first of which will be the Title. Fill in the Principal’s Name on the blank line after the word “…Of” in the Title. The next area where we must furnish the Principal’s Name will be the first blank line in the opening statement. Reproduce the Principal Name as you entered it on the Title on this blank space  The Principal Report continues with a request for his or her Street Address and State on the next two lines.

2 – Assign An Individual To The Attorney-in-Fact Role

The individual the Principal Approves and expects to wield Principal Authority will be the Attorney-in-Fact. Record his or her Name on the fourth blank space in this opening statement As with the Principal we will continue reporting on the Attorney-in-Fact by supplying his or her Street Address and State of Residence onto the last two areas of this statement

3 – A Formal Approval Of Each Power Is Required From The Principal

The Principal will have to actively engage in this paperwork’s preparation. In “I. Powers,” a detailed listing of the types of Principal Authority the Attorney-in-Fact can be assigned through this document. He or she only needs to initial each Principal Authority in this list that should be relegated to the Attorney-in-Fact named above.

The first subject item described is the “Power To Make Payments Or Collect Monies Owed” will discuss the Powers the Attorney-in-Fact can wield with Principal Accounts in terms of making or collecting payments in the Principal. A list of exact actions has been supplied to this first description. If the Principal wishes to deliver the Power to undertake such actions to the Attorney-in-Fact, then he or she should initial the blank line at the start of this statement The second subject matter of review will be the “Power To Acquire, Lease And Sell Personal Property.” This description will define how the Attorney-in-Fact may behave with the Principal’s Personal Property. This will include granting the Attorney-in-Fact the Principal Authority to perform actions such as Exchanging or Leasing the Principal’s Personal Property. If the Attorney-in-Fact should have the Power to perform according to this paragraph description, then the Principal must initial the second blank line The Principal can give the Attorney-in-Fact the Authority to handle his or her Real Property through the actions described in the third subject item (“Power To Acquire, Lease, And Sell Property”). The Principal will have to initial the blank line attached to the number “3” to delegate this Power to the Attorney-in-Fact  The Principal’s “Management Powers” can be conferred to the Attorney-in-Fact through the Principal act of initialing the blank line corresponding to the label “4. Management Powers.” If the Attorney-in-Fact should be able to wield Principal Authority with the same “Banking Powers” as the Principal, then the Principal will have to approve the Attorney-in-Fact’s right to conduct the Banking Actions detailed in the fifth paragraph. This approval may only be granted with the presentation of the Principal’s Initials on the corresponding blank space If it has been determined that the Attorney-in-Fact will be expected to handle Vehicle paperwork in the name of the Principal then, the sixth item “6. Motor Vehicles” should be initialed by the Principal The seventh paragraph description, “7. Tax Powers,” shall present a thorough detail of various actions the Attorney-in-Fact may take before interested Tax Entities to represent the Principal. If the Principal wishes to authorize this type of Power appointment then, he or she must initial the blank line attached to this item The Principal can give the Attorney-in-Fact the Authority to gain access to his or her “Safe-Deposit Boxes” through any means required to do so as well as control its contents when he or she initials the eighth blank line If the Principal intends to grant the Attorney-in-Fact with the ability to “Make Gifts, Grants, Or Other Transfers” then he or she must initial the ninth blank space  The space preceding “10. Lending And Borrowing” should be initialed by the Principal if he or she wishes to give the Attorney-in-Fact the Power to “Make Loans” or “Borrow Money” with Principal Authority The Attorney-in-Fact can commit the Principal to “Contracts” once the eleventh item is initialed by the Principal The next statement shall define the “Health Care Powers” the Attorney-in-Fact may use to represent the Principal regarding Medical Care and Treatment. To assign this Principal Authority to the Attorney-in-Fact, the Principal must initial the empty space attached to the number “12.” The Principal has the option to name the Attorney-in-Fact with the Principal Representational Powers defined by the Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Of 1996. If the Principal wishes to grant such Representational Powers, then he or she must initial the thirteenth item  The Principal Power required to “Hire And Pay For Services” on behalf of the Principal can only be granted to the Attorney-in-Fact if the Principal initials the fifteenth paragraph (“1. Power To Hire And Pay For Services”) The Principal ability to arrange and ensure the “Reimbursement Of Attorney-in-Fact” can only be delivered if the Principal approves of such a delegation. To do so, he or she must initial the fifteenth paragraph item If the Principal Right and Power to “Sue Third Parties Who Fail To Act Pursuant To Power Of Attorney” should be assigned to the Attorney-in-Fact then, the Principal should initial the sixteenth paragraph description If the Principal wishes to include any additional types of Authority, not mentioned or approved above, these additional Powers should be recorded on the blank lines after the words “17. Other – Power To Conduct The Following.” All such Powers will only be delivered to the Attorney-in-Fact if he or she initials the blank space that precedes the number “17.”

4 – Name The Time Frame When The Approved Authority Is Active

The Principal will also have to approve the exact time frame when the Attorney-in-Fact can wield the Principal Approved Authority defined above. This period of time will have to be documented through the Principal’s Act of initialing. The first two statements will serve the Principal by allowing him or her to quickly declare the Start Date by simply initialing the appropriate one. If the Start Date shall be this appointment’s Signature Date, the Principal should initial the first statement. If the Principal has decided the Start Date of these Principal Powers to be at a specific future Calendar Date, that Calendar Date should be recorded after the word “…Following Date” and the second statement should be initialed The Principal must then, define the Termination Date. If the Principal initials the third Statement he or she will name a specific Date of Termination using the available spaces, then initial the blank line preceding it. If these Powers should remain in Effect until the Calendar Date of a Principal Revocation, then the fourth statement should be initialed. If the Principal wishes the Calendar Date of Termination for these Powers to be whenever he or she is incapacitated and declared as much in writing by a Physician, then the last statement should be initialed

5 – This Paperwork Requires The Principal Act Of Signing To Execute It

To execute this paperwork, the Principal will have to sign it. This is the only method that will indicate the Principal’s intention. This Principal Act will need to be Notarized. The Principal will have to begin by filling out the Calendar Day, Month, and Year of Signing across the blank spaces in the last statement of “IV. Third Party Reliance”

The next two labeled spaces “Principal’s Signature” and “Principal’s Printed Name” must be satisfied by the Principal. He or she must present his or her Name as a Signature and in Print using these line Make sure the Full Name of the Attorney-in-Fact is printed onto the first blank space in “Acceptance Of Appointment.” The Attorney-in-Fact should read this statement then sign and print his or her Name on the appropriately labeled blank lines below it 

The “Acknowledgment Of Notary Public” area can only be notarized by the Notary Public who is present at the time of signing and satisfied with the authenticity of the process that has occurred