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Colorado Residential Purchase Agreement

A Colorado residential purchase agreement is a document negotiated by the buyer and the seller of a residential property. This agreement contains the terms and conditions of the transaction, including the sale price, financing options, the option to terminate, the closing of the sale, and other details that legally bind the parties together.
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Required Disclosures (7)

Green Disclosure – For properties that contain or are equipped with energy-related features and technologies.

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Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – In accordance with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, the seller must provide a lead-based paint disclosure form to a potential buyer.

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Methamphetamines – It is required that it be stated in the purchase agreement that the Buyer is entitled to conduct testing on the property to see if it was ever used as a methamphetamine laboratory.[1]

Radon Disclosure – Requires sellers to disclose any knowledge of radon concentrations at the property and issue a warning statement on the dangers of radon to prospective sellers. In addition, sellers must provide sellers with a copy of the dept. of health & environment’s brochure on radon and real estate.[2]

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Seller’s Property Disclosure – An all-encompassing disclosure form that covers each individual state-mandated disclosure requirement including taxing districts, common interest community, meth lab, potable water, transportation projects, and oil and gas activity.[3]

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Potable Water – The seller must disclose the source of their water in the property disclosure.[4]

Transportation Projects – If there are any transportation projects that are underway nearby, they must be mentioned in the property disclosure.[5]