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Daycare Photo Release Form

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Daycare Photo Release Form

Updated August 28, 2023

A Daycare photo release form grants consent to share images taken at a daycare for fields trips or daily activities. A parent signs the document with an understanding that the photographer may use the image(s) to promote child care services only, either in print or on the internet. The form will remain in effect during the child’s enrollment at the daycare or until the parent or guardian wishes to terminate the photographer’s authorization to use the photo(s). No payment will be issued for the child’s participation in this release.

How to Obtain Consent (4 steps)

  1. Request When Picking Up Children
  2. Create the Release Form
  3. Get a Parent to Sign
  4. Store the Document

1. Request When Picking Up Children

It is best to make this request when the children are being picked up. A parent will commonly have more time (after work) than in the morning.

2. Create the Release Form

Create the parent’s release form that they will sign. This can be a simple written form that contains a clause releasing the daycare of liability for any shared images of their children.

3. Get a Parent to Sign

Only one (1) parent is required. The form can be signed in person or by electronic signature.

4. Store the Document

The document should be stored in an easy yet secure place. If a parent ever attempted to sue the daycare for the release