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Idaho Standard Residential Lease Agreement

An Idaho standard residential lease agreement is a rental contract that sets out the terms and conditions of a rental arrangement and binds a landlord and tenant. Typically, such agreements are for a period of one year.
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Rental Application – Used by landlords to determine a tenant’s ability to pay rent and rental history.

Required Disclosures (1)

1. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure & EPA Pamphlet – If the property was built before 1978, the landlord must tell the tenant there could be lead-based paint in the walls.[1]

Security Deposit Laws

Maximum Amount – None.

Separate Bank Account – The deposit must be held in a separate bank account.[2]

Returning to Tenant – A security deposit, or partial deposit, must be returned to the tenant within 21 days of the lease’s end date.[3]

Rent Payment Laws

Grace Period – None.

Maximum Late Fee – None, but fees must be reasonable.[4]

NSF Fee – A landlord can charge $20 for a bounced check.[5]