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Vermont Standard Residential Lease Agreement

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Vermont Standard Residential Lease Agreement

Updated September 01, 2024

A Vermont standard residential lease agreement is a rental contract with a fixed-term, usually for one (1) year, between a landlord and tenant. The landlord will usually verify the tenant’s credentials (e.g. credit check, income, etc.) by collecting a filled-in rental application by the tenant. After approval, the landlord and tenant will authorize a lease with occupancy beginning on the lease start date.

Laws – Title 9, Chapter 137 (Residential Rental Agreements)

HandbookVermont’s Renting Laws


Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – Law requiring landlords to inform their tenants if a residence was constructed prior to 1978. If so, this disclosure must be completed with both the landlord and tenant signing on the bottom of the page.

Other Versions (1)

Vermont Standard Residential Lease Agreement – Version 2

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