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Ohio Boat Bill of Sale

An Ohio boat bill of sale is a legal document that provides a record of the transfer of ownership of a boat. The form will identify the buyer and the seller, describe the vehicle changing hands, and recount the terms of the transfer of ownership. This document may be used in the registration process.
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Registering a Boat

Every recreational boat operating in Ohio waters must be registered with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), including canoes, kayaks, and paddleboats. However, canoes, kayaks, and non-motorized boats less than 14 feet long do not need to be titled.

The ODNR does not stipulate how soon after purchase a buyer must register a boat, but the best practice is to do so as soon as possible. Registrations are issued for three years, concluding for all registrants on March 1. Once registered, boat registration may be renewed online.

Where to Register

Registration may be completed at an authorized boat registration agent or watercraft office. The ODNR advises applicants to contact the desired location ahead of time to check on hours during which registration services are provided and the forms of payment accepted.

Required Documents