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South Dakota Bill of Sale Forms (3)

A South Dakota bill of sale form details a transaction between a buyer and seller for the purchase of personal property. The document should include the parties' information, item description, purchase price, and any warranties given. If the sale involves a vehicle, its Certificate of Title should be included and signed over to the new owner.
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Forms (3)

Vehicle / Boat Bill of Sale (Form MV-016)– Used to prove the sale and purchase of a motor vehicle and/or a vessel. This form will also provide information on change of ownership and is often required with registration.

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General Bill of Sale – This document would be used between two private parties to prove the sale and purchase of personal property.

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Gun / Firearm Bill of Sale – Proves the legal sale and purchase of a firearm in the state of South Dakota. It will also prove a change of ownership.

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Vehicle Registration Forms

Boat Registration Forms