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Utah Boat Bill of Sale

A Utah boat bill of sale is a document that demonstrates that a vessel has been legally sold in Utah. This document will provide information about the buyer and the seller, a description of the boat, and the terms of the transfer of ownership. A bill of sale can, with other documents, provide proof of ownership.
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Registering a Boat

Most boats purchased by Utah residents must be registered with the Utah Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in order to operate in Utah waters.

There are exceptions for boats owned by those visiting the state for fewer than 60 days and for vessels without motors, like sailboats.

For purchases of boats made through dealerships, the dealer will typically complete the necessary registration paperwork on the buyer’s behalf. However, for transactions between private parties, the buyer must obtain the new registration within 60 days. Registration is good for one year and may be renewed online.

Where to Register

Registration may be completed at a local Utah DMV Office.

Required Documents