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Catering Contract Template

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Catering Contract Template

Updated March 18, 2024

A catering contract is a legal document between a caterer that agrees to provide food and beverages at an event for a client. Pricing depends on the type of event and the services requested.

Catering services can range from delivering prepared food to hiring a waitstaff, bartender, or chef for meals made to order.


A caterer will commonly require a 50% non-refundable deposit (retainer) of the total amount in case of cancellation by the client.

Commonly Used For

  • Baby showers
  • BBQs
  • Birthdays
  • Corporate gatherings
  • Group functions
  • Weddings

Table of Contents

Catering Types (3)

1. Food Truck

Food truck parked with doors open parked a city street

This is when the host will hire a food truck (or several) for an event with a lot of people. The host will generally pay a minimum fee to get the truck to a specific location, with the attendees being responsible to pay for their food and drinks.

2. Using the Caterer’s Location

When the host rents an exclusive space in a hotel, restaurant, or banquet hall, the venue may provide in-house food and drink services.

3. Full-Service Catering

The host hires a caterer to provide food and drinks at a specific location. In addition, the caterer usually provides wait staff and bartenders to serve guests. The host will be responsible for the caterer’s travel, labor, and all food and drinks provided.

Commonly includes

  • Buffet
  • Full-course meal (appetizer, main dish, and dessert)
  • Hors d’oeuvres
  • Tableware

Bar Types (2)

Cash Bar

Bartender pouring wine into a glass while customer uses payment reader

A cash bar is when the guests are required to pay for their drinks at an event. Although this is a cheaper option for the host, it requires bartenders to handle payments and make drinks, which can slow the process and cause longer wait times.

Open Bar

Waitstaff pouring wine from bottle into glass

An open bar allows guests to drink as much as they want without having to pay. All costs for drinks are paid for by the host of the event. An open bar can also have a maximum limit to cap its costs.

How Much Does a Caterer Make?

A caterer’s earnings will depend on experience, client base, and the equipment and services they can offer. Specialized caterers working for high-end clients can earn much more than those booking more basic jobs.

Median Pay

The following rate is for food preparation and serving workers:

  • Salary: $28,130/yr (source: BLS)

Getting Paid (Caterer)

The caterer is expected to charge a non-refundable deposit to the client and receive the full amount at the time of the event or shortly afterward. When requesting payment, the caterer should send an invoice and be paid upon receipt.


Catering Invoice Template

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 1. THE PARTIES. This Catering Contract (“Contract”) made on [DATE] is by and between:

Caterer: [NAME OF CATERER], with a mailing address of [CATERER’S MAILING ADDRESS] (“Caterer”), and

Client: [NAME OF CLIENT], with a mailing address of [CLIENT’S MAILING ADDRESS] (“Client”).

The Caterer and the Client are each referred to herein as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.”


Event Title: [TITLE]
Address: [ADDRESS]
Date: [DATE]
Start Time: [START TIME]
End Time: [END TIME]
Additional Description (if any): [DESCRIBE]

Hereinafter known as the “Event.”

3. ATTENDEES. The Caterer agrees to provide Services for an estimated minimum of [#] individuals at the Event (“Attendees”). If this number of Attendees should increase, the amount of the Total Fee shall be reflected in this Contract.

4. MENU. All requested food items are mentioned in Attachment #1 of this Contract (“Menu”). This shall include all requests made by the Client and will be finalized no sooner than [#] days prior to the Event. If any changes are made that increase the costs to the Caterer, the Total Fee shall be reflected in this Contract.

5. FOOD SERVICES. The Caterer agrees to deliver the items on the Menu at the Event in the following manner: (check all that apply)

Food Truck. To provide a food truck at the Event.
Buffet. A buffet-style experience with food stations.
Hors d’Oeuvres. At least [#] servers offering food on small trays.
Full Course Meal. To serve an appetizer, main dish, and dessert.
Tableware. Providing plates, cups, and eating utensils.
Other: [OTHER]

Hereinafter known as the “Food Services.”

6. DRINK SERVICES. The Caterer agrees to provide: (check one)

No Drink Services. No drinks will be provided by the Caterer.

Drink Services. The Caterer will deliver the items mentioned in Attachment #2 at the Event in the following manner: (check one)

Open Bar. Allows Attendees to be served with: (check one)

– No maximum limit on consumption.
– A maximum limit of $[AMOUNT] on consumption.

Cash Bar. Attendees are responsible to pay for their own consumption.

Hereinafter known as the “Drink Services.” The Food Services and Drink Services shall be referred to collectively as the “Services.”

7. CALCULATION OF FEES. In exchange for the Food Services provided, the Client agrees to pay the Caterer based on: (check one)

A Flat Fee. A total of $[AMOUNT].
Per Attendee. $[AMOUNT] per Attendee.
Hourly Fee. $[AMOUNT] per hour with a minimum of [#] hours.
Other: [OTHER]

Drink Services to be billed separately. The amount mentioned in this section and the total due for the Drink Services shall be referred to as the “Total Amount.”

8. DEPOSIT. As part of this Contract, the Caterer requires: (check one)

A Deposit. $[AMOUNT] is required at the time of signing this Contract. The amount shall serve as consideration.

No Deposit. There is no money due at the time of signing this Contract. The good faith promise of performing under this Contract, by both Parties, shall serve as consideration.

Hereinafter known as the “Deposit.”

9. TERMS OF PAYMENT. The Client will be responsible to pay the Caterer for the Total Amount upon: (check one)

Receipt of Invoice. The Client shall have [#] days to pay.
Specific Date. The Client is required to pay the Total Amount by [DATE].
Other: [OTHER]

10. METHODS OF PAYMENT. The Caterer’s acceptable methods of payment are as follows: (check all that apply)

Credit Card
Other: [OTHER]

11. LATE FEES. If a payment due by the Client is not made within the requirements mentioned in Section 9, there will be: (check one)

No Late Fee. There shall be no late fee due by the Client.

A Late Fee. The Client will be charged: (check one)

A Flat Fee. The flat fee is equal to $[AMOUNT] for each day payment is late.
Based on Interest. Interest of [#]% will be charged on the outstanding balance due for each month payment is late.

12. EVENT CHANGES. After the signing of this Contract, changes to the Event by the Client: (check one)

Can be Made. A change or cancellation of the Event is allowed no sooner than [#] days prior to the Event. If a change or cancellation of the Event occurs sooner than such time period: (check one)

Payment is Required. A payment equal to: (check one)

[#]% of the Deposit will be made non-refundable to the Caterer.
[#]% of the Total Amount will be due and payable by the Client to the Caterer.

Payment is NOT Required. No payment will be due by the Client and any Deposit made will be fully refunded.

Cannot be Made. If there is a change or cancellation by the Client, at any time after the signing of this Contract, a payment is required of: (check one)

[#]% of the Deposit will be made non-refundable to the Caterer.
[#]% of the Total Amount will be due and payable by the Client to the Caterer.

The parties have duly executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.

Caterer’s Signature: _________________________
Print Name: _________________________

Client’s Signature: _________________________
Print Name: _________________________







REQUESTED ALCOHOLIC DRINKS (check here if no alcohol will be served)