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Personal Training Contract Template

A personal training contract is between a trainer hired to help an individual (client) exercise and meet personal health goals. The trainer agrees to meet with the client for a specific number (#) of times per week to exercise and promote healthy habits.
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Release of Liability

Due to the risks of exercise, it is recommended that each client sign a trainer’s release of liability to indemnify the trainer from financial loss in the event of injury.

What Should be Included?

1. Services (training routine)

The trainer agrees to provide a service. This can be described generally (see below) or specified if a client wants to follow a strict workout regimen.

General Training. The Personal Trainer is obligated to provide training that enable and instruct the Client to personal betterment regarding their body. The Client can dictate the training methods that should be followed to accomplish their goals.

2. Training Schedule

A schedule should be defined that mentions the length of each session (commonly 30-90 min) and when it will occur during the week.

Generally, a schedule will mention how many times per week the training sessions will occur and specific times.

3. Fees

The trainer should mention their fees and when payment is due. It is recommended to list the price per workout and indicates clear payment instructions (commonly required to be paid before any sessions begin).

4. Term

Most agreements are on a month-to-month basis and continue until 1 party decides to quit. Although, a contract can be written that binds the client to a fixed period.

5. Trainer’s Obligations

The trainer should mention their responsibilities in a general manner which include:

  • Providing an exercise program that meets the needs of the client;
  • To discuss diet and weight subjects in an educated and friendly manner (safe space);
  • Taking common measurements and standardized tests for the betterment of the client (e.g., blood pressure, fat content, etc.);
  • To meet with the client on time and at the location agreed upon; and
  • To provide a positive and safe atmosphere for the client.

6. Disclosure

The trainer should disclose, for liability reasons, that they are not a licensed medical physician, examiner, or individual under state law. The only advice being offered is what is generally known in the public domain.

7. Release of Liability (addendum)

To limit the trainer’s liability, the client should sign a waiver that mentions they understand the risks involved with working out. Therefore, if a client ends up injuring or harming themselves, they cannot blame the trainer and try to seek damages. A client should be required to sign a waiver to limit the trainer’s liability in the event of injury.

How Much Do Personal Trainers Make?

A personal trainer can charge more or less depending upon their experience, clientele, and the type of workout offered. Those who provide specialized equipment can typically charge higher rates.

Median Pay

  • Salary: $45,380/yr[1]
  • Hourly Rate: $21.82/hr[2]

Trainer’s Waiver and Release Form

Download: PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument






I. THE PARTIES. This Personal Training Contract (“Agreement”) dated [DATE] (“Effective Date”), is between the following:

Client: [CLIENT’S NAME] with a mailing address of [ADDRESS] (“Client”) and
Personal Trainer: [PERSONAL TRAINER’S NAME] with a mailing address of [ADDRESS] (“Personal Trainer”)

Client and Personal Trainer are each referred to herein as a “Party” and, collectively, as the “Parties,” agree to the following:

II. SERVICES. The Personal Trainer agrees to provide: (check one)

General Training. The Personal Trainer is obligated to provide training that enables and instructs the Client to personal betterment regarding their body. The Client can dictate the training methods that should be followed to accomplish their goals.
Specific Training. [DESCRIBE]

Hereinafter known as the “Services.”

III. DURATION. The Services provided by the Personal Trainer will last for a period of [#] minutes per training session (“Session”).

IV. FEE. The Client agrees to pay the Personal Trainer a fee of $[AMOUNT] for the Services on a per Session basis (“Fee”).

a.) Payment Instructions. [DESCRIBE]

V. SESSIONS PER PERIOD. The Personal Trainer agrees to: (check one)

Not Schedule Sessions. The Client will request the Services of the Personal Trainer on a mutually agreed-upon time period.
Schedule Sessions. The Personal Trainer will schedule the Client to [#] Sessions per week in accordance with the times below:

SUNDAY: ____:____ AM PM
MONDAY: ____:____ AM PM
TUESDAY: ____:____ AM PM
WEDNESDAY: ____:____ AM PM
THURSDAY: ____:____ AM PM
FRIDAY: ____:____ AM PM
SATURDAY: ____:____ AM PM
SUNDAY: ____:____ AM PM

VI. TERM. This Agreement will start with the 1st Session on [DATE] and continue for a(n): (check one)

Ongoing Basis and continue until canceled by either Party with [#] days’ notice.
Fixed Period and continue until [END DATE] (“End Date”). Prior to the End Date, either Party:

Can cancel this Agreement with [#] days’ notice.
Cannot cancel this Agreement.

Hereinafter known as the “Term.”

VII. LOCATION. The Personal Trainer agrees to provide their Services at: [ENTER LOCATION]

Hereinafter known as the “Location.”

VIII. LATE POLICY. If the Client is late by more than [#] minutes, the Session will be considered forfeited without the ability to be re-scheduled.

IX. CANCELLATION POLICY. The Client is: (check one)

Allowed to Cancel a scheduled Session with at least [#] hours’ prior notice (“Proper Notice”). If given Proper Notice, the Client will be able to schedule another Session at an agreeable time with the Personal Trainer.
Not Allowed to Cancel a scheduled Session that has been agreed upon between the Parties. If canceled, the Client will forfeit the Fee amount for said canceled Session.

X. REFUND POLICY. If the Client has made payment and no longer wants the Personal Trainer’s Services, the payments made will be forfeited refunded.

XI. PERSONAL TRAINER’S OBLIGATIONS. The Personal Trainer is obligated to:

  • Provide an exercise program that meets the needs of the Client in a manner that is best suited for their age, body type, and goals;
  • Discuss diet and weight subjects in a friendly manner that does not belittle or make the Client feel insecure;
  • Provide standardized measurements and tests to record the health condition of the Client (e.g., blood pressure, fat content, etc.);
  • To meet with the Client on time in accordance with this Agreement; and
  • To provide a positive and safe atmosphere for the Client while always looking out for their best interest.

XII. DISCLOSURE. The Personal Trainer is not and does not claim to be a licensed physician or hold any credentials that may present them to give medical advice. Any guidance made is based on general health knowledge that is available in the public domain.

XIII. NO WARRANTY. There are no guarantees made by the Personal Trainer regarding results from exercise, diet, or any other recommendations. The Personal Trainer will make a good faith effort in accordance with industry standards to provide the best experience for the Client on an as-is, where-is basis.

XIV. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement is governed under the laws located in the state of [STATE].


Client Signature: ___________________ Date: ___________
Print Name: ___________________________

Personal Trainer Signature: __________________ Date: __________
Print Name: ______________________



  1. BLS
  2. BLS