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Kentucky Employment Contract Templates (4)

A Kentucky employment contract agreement outlines the rights and responsibilities of both the employer and the employee in a working relationship. It typically specifies the period of work, financial compensation, benefits that the employee is entitled to, and terms under which employment may be terminated.
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By Type (4)

Employee Non-Disclosure Agreement – Obligates the employee not to reveal any trade secrets to any of their employer’s competitors.

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Employee Non-Compete Agreement – Often included with a non-disclosure agreement, in this contract, the employee agrees not to compete against their current employer in the same industry for a reasonable duration.

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Independent Contractor Agreement – Used by a hiring party to engage a limited-term contract worker for the completion of a project.

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Subcontractor Agreement – Used by a contractor to engage a worker for an ongoing project.

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What is an Employee?

“Employee” Definition[1]

“. . . Every person, including a minor, whether lawfully or unlawfully employed, in the
service of an employer under any contract of hire or apprenticeship, express or
implied, and all helpers and assistants of employees, whether paid by the employer
or employee, if employed with the knowledge, actual or constructive, of the
employer . . .”

At-Will Employment

At-Will Employment – Allowed with the exception of “Public Policy” and “Implied Contracts” understandings.

Income Tax Rate (Individual)

Individual Income Tax – 5%[2]

Minimum Wage ($/hr)

Minimum Wage – $7.25 (recognizes federal wage laws)[3]
