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Missouri Employment Contract Templates (4)

The Missouri employment contract is a written agreement between an employer and a new employee. The document details various aspects of employment, like job title and description, period of employment, compensation, and benefits such as bonuses, commissions, days off, and health benefits.
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By Type (4)

Employee Non-Disclosure Agreement – Restricts the signer(s) from revealing sensitive trade secrets and confidential information. This contract may be used for a unilateral agreement, such as with an employer and an employee, or a mutual agreement for two (2) individuals or entities who are forming a partnership.

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Employee Non-Compete Agreement – An agreement between an employer and an employee in which the employee is prohibited from competing with the employer for a specified duration following their last day of work. State law requires that this type of contract is reasonable in its duration and geographical scope.

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Independent Contractor Agreement – An agreement between a client and a contractor regarding the work on a specific project. Both parties must agree upon the amount of financial compensation that the contractor is to receive, as well as the duration of time that is covered by the contract.

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Subcontractor Agreement – A contract between the main contractor (also known as a prime or general contractor) for a project and a subcontractor who has been hired to provide a service that contributes to the project’s completion.

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What is an Employee?

“Employee” Definition[1]

“. . . The word “employee” as used in this chapter shall be construed to mean every person in the service of any employer, as defined in this chapter, under any contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written, or under any appointment or election, including executive officers of corporations . . .”

At-Will Employment

At-Will Employment – Allowed with the exception of any “Public Policy” understandings.

Income Tax Rate (Individual)

Individual Income Tax – 1.5% to 5.4%[2]

Minimum Wage ($/hr)

Minimum Wage – $9.45[3]
