By Type (4)
Employee Non-Disclosure Agreement – This contract prohibits the employee from revealing trade secrets to business competitors. Should such a circumstance arise, the agreement ensures that the employer will be able to recoup damages and hold the employee liable.
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Employee Non-Compete Agreement – A contract that prohibits the employee, within reason, from working in competition against the employer’s business for a specific length of time. This document ensures that an employee will not prove to be a liability once they have terminated their employment.
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Independent Contractor Agreement – An agreement that establishes the particulars of a contractor’s engagement for a single project.
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Subcontractor Agreement – Used by contractors to enlist an individual or entity to work on a project that the “prime contractor” has been hired to complete.
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What is an Employee?
“Employee” Definition[1]
“. . . means a person who works for another for hire. The term does not include a person who is an independent contractor.”
At-Will Employment
(c) an employee’s significant or repeated violation of the employer’s written policies; or (d) other qualifying and legitimate business reasons.[3]