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Utah Employment Contract Templates (4)

A Utah employment contract agreement documents an employer's terms of employment to potential employees. The contract provides clarity on matters of job title and description, compensation, the employee's rights, benefits that may be offered, and the conditions under which the employee may quit or be terminated.
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By Type (4)

Employee Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) – An NDA holds employees liable if they fail to keep company information confidential.

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Employee Non-Compete Agreement – Prohibits an employee from transacting certain business with clients other than their current employer.

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Independent Contractor Agreement – An agreement catered to the hiring of an independent contractor.

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Subcontractor Agreement – Establishes a working relationship with a subcontractor who has been hired to complete a specific task in part of a larger contract.

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What is an Employee?

“Employee” Definition “…a person in the service of any employer who employs one or more workers or operatives regularly in the same business, or in or about the same establishment under any contract of hire, express or implied, and oral or written.”[1]

At-Will Employment

At-Will Employment – Allowed with the exception of any “Public Policy,” “Implied Contracts,” and “Good-Faith” understandings.

Income Tax Rate (Individual)

Individual Income Tax Rate – 4.95%[2]

Minimum Wage ($/hr)

Minimum Wage – $7.25[3]
