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Colorado Demand for Compliance (JDF 99 A)

A Colorado demand for compliance (Form JDF 99 A) allows a landlord to send a tenant notice to quit for unpaid rent, non-compliance, and disturbing conduct. The notice period can vary from 3 to 30 days, depending on the type of tenancy and landlord classification.
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Notice Periods

  • 3 days – If the housing is employer-provided.
  • 5 days (most common) – If the housing is owned by a landlord with 5 or fewer single-family rental homes and said notice is mentioned in the lease (“exempt residential agreement”).[1]
  • 10 days – If the housing is owned by a landlord with 6 or more single-family rental homes or if notice was not made in the lease of an exempt residential agreement.
  • 30 days – If the landlord owns the property with a federally backed mortgage (e.g., FHA, VA, USDA, etc.)[2]

Reasons for Notice

  • Unpaid Rent – The landlord can send a demand for compliance the day after rent is due.[3] However, the landlord cannot charge a late fee until the rent is late by more than 7 days.[4]
  • Material Violation – Any violation that is not considered “substantial.”[5] Commonly examples of this include:
    • Unauthorized pets;
    • Property damage
    • Excessive notice;
    • Unauthorized guests
    • Improper use of the property; or
    • Failure to maintain cleanliness.
  • Disturbing Conduct – If the tenant is causing a nuisance to the:
    • Landlord (must live on or adjacent to the property);
    • Other occupants of the property; or
    • Property’s neighbors.[6]

How to Deliver

A demand for compliance can be delivered in one of the following ways:

  1. Leaving a copy with a person living on the premises and entering their name on the notice; or
  2. Posting in a conspicuous place on the premises.[7]

Notice Requirements

  1. Must be made in writing and include:
    • Grounds for termination;
    • Description of the property;
    • Date and time when the property must be delivered by the tenant; and
    • Must be signed by the landlord, their agent, or an attorney.
  2. The tenant must be informed of their right to mediation if they receive:
    • Supplemental security income;
    • Social Security disability; or
    • Cash assistance through the Colorado Works program.[8]
  3. Must be written in:
    • English;
    • Spanish; or
    • Any other language that is the tenant’s primary language.[9]