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Alaska General (Financial) Power of Attorney

An Alaska general power of attorney allows an individual to select an agent to make business and financial decisions on their behalf. The agent's designation will terminate upon the principal's death, incapacitation, or if revoked (in writing).
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Same Form as Durable POA

In Alaska, a general power of attorney is the same as a durable power of attorney, except that in Section 5, the box marked “This document shall be revoked by my subsequent disability” is marked “Yes.”


  • Durable – A power of attorney is durable if it includes the language “this power of attorney shall become effective upon the incapacity of the principal” or “this power of attorney shall not be affected by the subsequent incapacity of the principal,”[1]
  • Incapacity – Incapacity is determined by two physicians who have personally examined the principal and have determined they can no longer manage property or business affairs. This statement must be acknowledged in an affidavit.[2]
  • Signing Requirements – Must be notarized.[3]