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Real Estate Purchase Counter-Offer Form

A real estate purchase counter-offer is a written response made by either a buyer or seller when negotiating a real estate transaction. It is common to give the other party 48 to 72 hours to agree to the terms stated in the counter-offer. If the other party doesn't agree or respond, the agreement and all prior offers become void and non-binding.
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How to Make a Counter-Offer (3 steps)

1. Receive the Offer

buyer and seller discussing initial offerMost commonly, the seller will be making a counter to the buyer’s offer. The seller will reference the purchase agreement by entering its date.

2. Write the Counter-Offer

seller writing counter offer The seller will make the counter-offer and include terms they would like to include. Once complete, the seller will sign and attach to the original purchase agreement.

3. Wait for Acceptance

seller inserting counter-offer letter into envelopeAfter sending, the buyer will have until the end of the expiration period to accept its terms. After the buyer signs, the counter-offer becomes legally binding after the seller has been made aware the buyer has accepted the terms.

Note: Up until the other party signs and accepts the terms of the counter-offer, the sending party may cancel its terms at any time.


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