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Wisconsin Standard Residential Lease Agreement

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Wisconsin Standard Residential Lease Agreement

Updated September 02, 2024

A Wisconsin standard residential lease agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms of a rental arrangement between a landlord and tenant. Before a lease is signed, the landlord will commonly check the tenant’s credit report and verify their income by requiring a rental application to be completed and signed.

After the landlord approves their credentials, negotiations will begin on the landlord and tenant responsibilities in addition to the rent amount. Once a verbal agreement has been made, the lease may be written and signed. The average term for a standard lease is one (1) year and after both parties have signed becomes legally binding until the end of its term.

Move-in Checklist – If the landlord accepts a security deposit, this checklist must be given to the tenant within seven (7) days to allow them to write down any existing damage or defects in the premises.[1]

Laws – Chapter 704 (Landlord & Tenant)

HandbookLandlord-Tenant Guide (PDF)

Other Versions (1)

Wisconsin Standard Residential Lease Agreement – Version 2

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  1. § 134.06