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Iowa Employment Contract Templates (4)

An Iowa employment contract agreement is a document used by employers and employees to create and develop a working relationship. Typically, prior to employment, the employer will outline provisions that dictate how the position is managed, including frequency of payment, duration of employment, wage, and operating schedule.
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By Type (4)

Employee Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) – A contract which binds an employee to secrecy regarding an employer’s proprietary and confidential business information.

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Employee Non-Compete Agreement – Prohibits an employee from engaging in business practices which might result in unwarranted competition for the employer.

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Independent Contractor Agreement – Drafted by a client to specify their conditions when hiring an independent contractor.

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Subcontractor Agreement – Indicates a contractor’s employment conditions to a subcontractor elected to satisfy a specific obligation that the contractor is expected to complete.

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What is an Employee?

“Employee” Definition[1]

“. . . means a natural person who is employed in this state for wages by an
employer. Employee also includes a commission salesperson who takes orders or performs services on behalf of a principal and who is paid on the basis of commissions but does not include persons who purchase for their own account for resale . . .”

At-Will Employment

At-Will Employment – Allowed with the exception of “Public Policy” and “Implied Contracts” understandings.

Income Tax Rate (Individual)

Individual Income Tax Rate – .33% to 8.53%[2]

Minimum Wage ($/hr)

Minimum Wage – $7.25 ( – recognizes federal wage laws)[3]
