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New Jersey Eviction Notice Forms (2)

A New Jersey eviction notice is a letter sent by a landlord to a tenant informing the latter of a lease violation. The landlord must detail the offense and include the number of days the tenant has to correct the issue. If the tenant does not fix the issue, the landlord can begin eviction proceedings by filing an Unlawful Entry and Detainer lawsuit.
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By Type (2)

Notice to Quit (For All Violation Types) – Check the appropriate box on the document to indicate whether the violation was for non-payment of rent (30 days notice), a lease violation (three days), or disorderly conduct (three days).

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Notice to Quit (Month-to-Month Tenancy) – Used when one of the parties seeks to end a month-to-month lease by providing the requisite notice.

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Eviction Laws

  • Rent Grace Period: Five days[1]
  • Non-Payment of Rent: One month if the landlord habitually accepted late rent[2]
  • Non-Compliance: Three days[3]
  • Illegal Activity: Three days[4]
  • Substantial Damage to Property: Three days[4]
  • Termination (Month-to-Month Lease): Varies. See here for more information[5]
  • Filing an Eviction: New Jersey Anti-Eviction Law[6]

Prohibited Landlord Actions

Utility Shutoff – It is illegal for a landlord to attempt to force a tenant out by shutting off essential utilities.[7]

Changing the Locks – A landlord cannot change the locks or otherwise block a tenant’s access to the premises.[7]

Taking Possession of Personal Property – Landlords are prohibited from holding a tenant’s personal property in order to force the tenant to pay rent.[7]

Court Forms

Verified Complaint – After proper notice has been given to a tenant, the landlord may pursue a formal eviction by filing a verified complaint with the court. If the complaint is for reasons other than non-payment of rent, additional notices must be attached to the form to explain the landlord’s justification for the eviction.

Summons – This document must be filed along with the complaint and served upon the tenant once a hearing date has been set. Its purpose is to inform the tenant of the action against them and give them the opportunity to present their side of the case.

How to Evict a Tenant (4 steps)

Image of sheriff.

1. Serve Notice to Tenant

The landlord must send a Notice to Quit (For All Violation Types) specifying the type of violation that occurred.

2. File Complaint and Summons

If the tenant has failed to pay rent or the tenant has failed to respond appropriately to the notice sent by the landlord, the landlord may then proceed to the Special Civil Part Clerk Offices to file a Complaint and Summons. The filing fee is $50 for one tenant, plus $125 for each additional tenant and a $7 service fee for the Special Civil Part Officer to serve the lawsuit on the tenant(s).[8]

3. Serve Papers on Tenant

The court will serve the tenant and the landlord will receive a notice of when to appear in court.

4. Receive Court Judgment

If the tenant defaults or the landlord prevails in court, the landlord will get a Judgment for Possession. The landlord then must apply for a Warrant for Possession to empower the sheriff to assist in removing the tenant.
