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Painting Invoice Template

A painting invoice is a billing document used by companies or independent contractors who provide indoor or outdoor painting services. The document lists the materials used, hours of labor performed, and travel expenses.
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What to Include

The invoice should provide a clear summary of all work that has been completed. It should include:

  • The name, address, and contact information of the customer and painter
  • An itemized list of all tasks, with supplies furnished, and billing rate and total due for each task
  • The subtotal for all work, taxes due, and total balance due
  • The deadline for payment and any penalties for late payment

How to Use a Painting Invoice

1. Understand the client’s needs

The best contractors are also expert at communication. Meet with the client before beginning work, take stock of the job and any relevant preferences, and make sure that the specs are clearly laid out.

2. List project costs

Determine who will cover costs for supplies and other ancillary items. Painting contractors sometimes give all-inclusive quotes (the simplest option), but breaking down costs into labor and supply components can help to ensure that hidden costs do not eat up profits.

3. Offer a quote/bid for the job

The quote or bid should be given in writing. It should also be specific enough to head off future disputes. Remember that jobs can uncover surprises, so it may be wise to include a provision in the quote for subsequent changes once work has begun.

4. Deliver Invoice when the Job is complete

Make sure to present the invoice promptly. It is usually easiest to just hand it off to the customer at the job site. Follow-up as necessary to ensure that there is no confusion about payment.

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