Date: [DATE] Receipt Number: [#]
Amount Received: $[AMOUNT]
For the Payment of: [DESCRIPTION]
Paid by: [PAYOR’S NAME] Received by: [PAYEE’S NAME]
Payment Method: ☐ Cash ☐ Check ☐ Credit Card ☐ Other: [OTHER]
Check Number: [#]
Credit Card Number: [#] Exp. [MM] / [YYYY] Sec. Code: [#]
By Type (18)
What is a Receipt?
A receipt is a written record of a transaction between two or more parties. A standard receipt includes the following details:
- Date of sale
- Business’s name and address
- Purchaser’s name and address
- Sale amount ($) including tax
- Payment type
- Description of the service, goods, or rental
- *Serial number of the business’s permit to engage in business (*California only).
How Long to Keep a Receipt (IRS)?
Receipt vs. Invoice
A receipt is only provided after payment has been made, while an invoice is a formal request for payment.
- Invoice – Issued before payment.
- Receipt – Issued after payment.
How to Make a Receipt
A receipt is made after a transaction has occurred, detailing the price of the goods or services along with any taxes, discounts, shipping fees, or other line items.Download a template: PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument
How to Scan a Receipt
There are two ways to scan a receipt:
Mobile App
Using a mobile app is the easiest way to capture a receipt and save it for your records. The top three apps for taking photos of your receipts are:
Physical Scanner
Using a physical scanner is a traditional way to store receipts. The receipt will need to be laid down on the scanner and can be saved to a device or USB stick.