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Kick-Off Meeting Agenda Template

A kick-off meeting agenda is a blueprint for the first meeting between a project management team and their client. Topics covered may include a project summary, timeline, and the terms of the contract. It is important for the agenda to address topics that lay out a comprehensive understanding of the end goal of the project.
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What to Include (11 sections)

1. Opening

The project manager opens the meeting with a general introduction and reviews the meeting goals.

2. Attendance

The appointed secretary for the meeting records all attendees and absentees.

3. Agenda Approval

The secretary distributes the agenda and the project manager leads the group in a vote to approve the agenda and minutes. The client and team members can request additions to the agenda prior to voting.

4. Client Introduction

The client introduces themselves, their business, and the motivations for the project to the project management team.

5. Team Introductions

The members of the project management team introduce themselves to the client. They explain their individual roles and responsibilities in relation to the project.

6. Project Summary

The project manager summarizes the project and the secretary distributes any relevant reports and documents.

7. Project Schedule

The project manager reviews the full schedule for the execution and completion of the project.

VIII. Project Reporting

The group discusses the best manner and frequency of reporting updates between the client and the team. The project manager leads the group in a vote to formalize the reporting decisions.

9. Legal

The group discusses any legalities that need to be addressed over the course of the project execution. It is wise to have a representative from the project management company’s legal team in attendance for this discussion.

10. Other Items

Discuss any other items of business that have not been addressed.

11. Adjournment

The secretary completes the meeting minutes. The project manager approves the minutes and calls an end to the meeting.
