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Business Meeting Minutes Template

Business meeting minutes are the detailed notes taken for meetings held by any type of entity (corporation, LLC, partnership) that occur on a scheduled basis. Major business decisions and votes should be recorded in detail. The minutes must be signed by the secretary and the chairperson, or the person leading the meeting.
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Formatting (8 parts)

I. Meeting Details

  • Main Title (top of page) – “Business Meeting Minutes for [ORGANIZATION’S NAME];
  • Chairperson’s name;
  • Date;
  • Time; and
  • Location.

II. Attendees

  • List attendees.

III. Absences

  • List absentees.

IV. Call to Order

V. Old Business

  • List each discussion item outstanding from the previous meeting;
  • Describe any issues and/or solutions from the discussion(s); and
  • Record any decisions made by vote.

VI. New Business

  • List each new order of business under discussion;
  • Describe any questions, concerns, or issues from the discussion(s);
  • Log any reports or other documentation that is presented; and
  • Record any decisions made by vote.

VII. Other Items

  • Announcements;
  • Nominations;
  • Upcoming scheduled votes; and
  • Any other business matters that are discussed.

VIII. Adjournment

  • Record the time of the meeting’s end;
  • Chairperson and Secretary sign minutes; and
  • Minutes are distributed to all attendees and absentees.

Sample – Business Meeting Minutes

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