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Illinois Medical Power of Attorney Form

An Illinois medical power of attorney designates an agent to handle someone else's medical decision-making. The form only becomes effective after the person is no longer able to speak for themselves. It is often completed with a living will that outlines the individual's healthcare and end-of-life wishes.
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Versions (3)

Illinois.gov Health Care POA – Version 1

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Illinois Health Care POA – Version 2

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Illinois Health Care POA – Version 3

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Statute755 ILCS 45/Art. IV

Electronic Display – An agent to the principal can present an electronic device displaying an electronic copy of an executed statutory short form as proof of the health care agency.[2] As of January 1st, 2023, an attending physician, emergency medical services personnel, or health care provider may not refuse to give effect to the health care agency if the form is presented in that manner.