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Illinois Power of Attorney Forms (9 Types)

An Illinois power of attorney form allows a person to choose someone else to make decisions on their behalf for medical, financial, parental, or other related purposes. Depending on the type of form, it will be required to complete and sign in accordance with State law.
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By Type (9)

Durable (Statutory) Power of Attorney – Generally confers broad financial powers on a representative and continues even if the principal is adjudged incapacitated.

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Signing Requirements: One (1) witness and a notary public.[1]

General (Financial) Power of Attorney – Confers broad financial powers on a representative, but it becomes void if the principal is adjudged incapacitated.

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Signing Requirements: One (1) witness and a notary public.[1]

Limited Power of Attorney – This type is limited to a specific transaction or to a specific time period and becomes void once the transaction or time period is complete.

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Signing Requirements: One (1) witness and a notary public.[1]

Minor (Child) Power of Attorney – This allows you to appoint someone to make decisions on behalf of your minor child in the event you are not going to be available for a period of time.

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Signing Requirements: Principal only.[2]

Medical Power of Attorney – Allows a person to appoint someone to act on your behalf with health care decisions when you are unable to.

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Signing Requirements: One (1) witness.[3]

Revocation of Power of Attorney – Cancel any power of attorney that you may have created in the past.

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Signing Requirements: No laws but is recommended to be signed in front of a notary public.

Springing Power of Attorney – Allows a durable power of attorney to ‘kick-in’ upon a principal’s subsequent incapacity.

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Signing Requirements: Notary public and one witness.

Tax Power of Attorney (IL-2848) – Can be used to appoint someone to act on your behalf with tax issues.

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Signing Requirements: Two (2) witnesses if the agent is an attorney or a certified public accountant (CPA). Two (2) witnesses and a notary public if the agent is any other person.

Vehicle Power of Attorney – This allows you to appoint someone to act on your behalf with regard to registering and titling vehicles.

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Signing Requirements: Principal only.
